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Hello from Macedonia

Hello everyone,


I still don't own a GTV, so I can't post any sexy pics :(, but am hoping to buy one, soon. 

I was looking around, and there are some nice twin sparks here, but what caught my eye is a 2.0 TB.

So I was wondering, what's the fuel economy on the TB (this one has LPG system) compared to the TS (that would be with LPG as well).

How good is the engine, in terms of reliability?

Any other reasons why I should buy the TB over the TS?


All the best :)

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Go for a V6 if you can, if it has LPG then the diffrence will be minimal. Busso is a very durable engine if maintained properly. The service cost is more or less the same.

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I have access to a TB and one TS and the fuel consumption (gasoline) between the two is about the same (is perhaps due to my driving style :)) if you do not push the Busso very hard, but the force from Busso makes it my preferred choice, and somehow feels/seems that engine more sturdy.


With a LPG feed engine make sure that the ignition system are in tip top shape because of the rather ancient ignition system on the TB that are a weak point as LPG is a bit harder to ignite.

Edited by GTV-TB

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sorry my friend  but your country is not called Macedonia..but FYROM  -The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia-,  A  term that is also used by international organizations such as the European Union,the council of Europe and NATO. 

Please the administrator to correct this, because this fact offends the Greek members here.

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This forum is NOT a space for political discussions.

We aim to discuss and analyze issues around our cars.

There are other cyber spaces that address political discussions.

On that note, personal opinions about ethnicity and national identity will not be expressed.

Be aware that tolerance and mutual respect characterize this forum.



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First of all, thanks for all the replies, I really appreciate it, and it is very helpful, since there is not a lot of info about the TB 916 around the net.

Second, I tend to be very polite and respectful to everyone. I maintain the right to call myself or the country I live in how ever I want, and if someone has a problem with that, that's their problem. I am sorry you feel that way, but I couldn't care less.

I am here for my love for the 916, not to discuss politics and/or any other opinions not concerning the 916.


I am really looking forward to being a part of a community with people with whom I share a common passion, and am ready to put all other stuff aside, hope I can find that here :)

Thanks once again and all the best

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thano..are you thinking that my post..was politically intended??you are wrong my friend.Everyone must respect the international laws and decisions.

The fact as you better know..is that this country has a different name.Is not recognized like -macedonia- and everyone must respect this decision.

we are an international forum and any member here must respect the other without provocation or insults.

Binatron..you can call your country..as you want but you must respect the international decisions,and as you know..officialy your country is called Fyrom.

Dont provocate and dont use a wrong name.The keyword thano,is Respect for the others...and YES..we must respect the ethnicity and the national identity.Think about it.

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I guess this is not the place I was hoping it would be.

You can delete this post, things like this don't belong in a car forum.


I'm out.

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