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42 Excellent


About Persimmon

  • Rank
    916 Member
  • Birthday June 8

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  • Member Car
    GTV Cup
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  1. Hi From Sunny South Africa

    Hi Mark, Welcome to the Forum Alan
  2. A friendly hello from Holland

    Welcome to the Forum Fabian Alan
  3. Hello from London

    Welcome aboard Go for a phase 2 and the Cup would be my choice (of course !!) The big nose Phase 3 is not my ideal choice but any GTV is a great decision Alan
  4. new maniac from Bulgaria :)

    Welcome Toshko to the Forum Looks like a excellent project to see pictures of Alan
  5. new gtv

    Welcome Nikos to the Forum Alan
  6. Another South African

    Welcome to the Forum Carl Good looking car you have. Alan
  7. I and my Gtv V6 TB

    Hi Roberto Welcome to the Forum Alan
  8. Hello from Romania

    Welcome Razvan. Good choice of car. Lets see pictures in the garage section Alan
  9. New member

    Jon, Welcome to the Forum. National Alfa Day is over at Ripon this year (2nd Week of August) and there will be lots of GTV's and Spiders to see. Perhaps a trip across the M62 ?? Get some pictures posted of your car ....and the engine in the Garage section Alan
  10. Cup Car Battle

    Excellent video's. The first intriduces the cars and the second is a 5 lap race. For those of you who want to get straight to the GTV Cup details in the first video its at 9 minutes and 26 seconds. Good race too Thanks for posting Alan
  11. Hi everyone

    Welcome to the Forum Alan
  12. RIP Sergio Pininfarina

    A sad loss to the industry. Alan
  13. Hi from Greece

    Welcome Maggiora. Pictures Pictures Pictures please Alan
  14. New Aussie owner

    Lovely Spider . Get some number plates on that car !!! Welcome to the Forum Alan

Welcome to Squadra916

Squadra916 is the largest international community for owners and fans of Alfa Romeo GTV and Spider 916 cars.