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12 Good

About kim

  • Rank
    916 Member
  • Birthday 11/08/1962

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  • Gender
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  • Member Car
    GTV 3L V6 24v
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  1. kim

  2. French GTV

    Thanks Gaincho,ph1 oem downpipes (whithout precat),eql inox front pipes ,oem cat ,mid inox ragazzon with silencer and gr N small rear silencer. Exhaust equiped straigth behind cat with electric inox by-pass.
  3. French GTV

    Thanks Paso!
  4. Bilstein for GTV 3.0 24v

    no more available !
  5. Turbo Brutale

    Hi,ph1 3LV624v have 235cc/mn ,bosch number 0280150701 at 3 bar pressure
  6. Car cover

    Yes Gtv cover does not fit the Spider very well
  7. Grobnik Street Race 28-29 April 2012

    Héhé very attractive!
  8. Car cover

    Thank you very much Goethe!
  9. Car cover

    Hi,I'm loking for a red car cover for my GTV ,Have you some idea? Thanks
  10. Alfa Romeo GTV

    Alfa Romeo GTV

Welcome to Squadra916

Squadra916 is the largest international community for owners and fans of Alfa Romeo GTV and Spider 916 cars.