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About dado

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    916 Member

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    Zagreb, Croatia
  • Member Car
    159 TI & GTV V6 TB
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  1. GTV 2.0 V6 TB - The Black Beast

    Two beauties
  2. Teledials 17"

    For sale, 4 Alfa Romeo Teledial 17" 5x98 Price: 500€
  3. GTV 2.0 V6 TB - The Black Beast

    p2 steering wheel and Sportiva leather side panels mounted
  4. GTV 2.0 V6 TB - The Black Beast

    Testing winter tyres on teledials
  5. GTV 2.0 V6 TB - The Black Beast

    Blacklines ...and teledials are finished
  6. My GTV V6 TB

    Lepi - I remembered that you said you would like teledials again, so I tell him to contact you... For me, Blacklines are much better... ...but if you want some change, why not... Or, sell him BL and buy teledials... Best solution
  7. - black leather interior from GTV phase 1 - good condition - wheels Azev Type A 7,5x17" ET30,5 - steering wheel in good condition for phase 1 - Grigio Chiaro(silver): rear bumper, mirrors, bonnet, fenders... - lots of interior parts Be free to ask
  8. GTV 2.0 V6 TB - The Black Beast

    And finally, gifts for Christmas
  9. GTV 2.0 V6 TB - The Black Beast

    3. New steering wheel Before: After:
  10. GTV 2.0 V6 TB - The Black Beast

    2. Azev Type A 17" For winter setup, teledials 17" - work in progress
  11. GTV 2.0 V6 TB - The Black Beast

    Some news: 1. new scudetto And one Grigio Chiaro for parts...

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Squadra916 is the largest international community for owners and fans of Alfa Romeo GTV and Spider 916 cars.