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About Tonny

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    916 Member

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  • Member Car
    GTV Cup

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  1. Red is never boring ! A sporty Italian car should be red :-)
  2. My cup was silver ,now red .
  3. Spaitalia 2014, 27 & 28 September

    Great that Spa-Italia is back .I used to go every year since 2007.By driving on the track ,you can really get to know your car.
  4. any members from Belgium ?

    It wasn't me in Assen. I know which car you mean and I really don't like that dark grey. I think that car is for sale . I was a regular visitor of Spa-Italia in Francorchamps for several years.
  5. November 2013 Photo Contest - Voting

    I meant not just voted for me ,but I would like to see more people vote :-)
  6. November 2013 Photo Contest - Voting

    I had hoped for more votes.Sorry to see that .
  7. Photo Contest - November 2013

    How do you choose a winner from the pictures ? Most likes,most views ,judges that choose one ,... ?
  8. Photo Contest - November 2013

    Hi , i uploaded a picture for the competition but I don't see it amongst the others .Did I do something wrong ? here's the upload : http://www.squadra916.com/forums/gallery/image/598-img-0435/
  9. IMG 0435

    thanks.I agree :-)
  10. IMG 0437

    full supersprint exhaust ,sportcat & BMC airbox .
  11. IMG 0255

    restyled interior ; light grey leather with red stitches .
  12. You can find me on Facebook : Tonny Van Asten for pictures of my car etc. I'm the owner of a GTV Cup nr 45. It was silver grey,but recently repainted in red (inside & out ).

Welcome to Squadra916

Squadra916 is the largest international community for owners and fans of Alfa Romeo GTV and Spider 916 cars.