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Everything posted by reveds1969

  1. Still for Sale if there any other interested parties
  2. Hi Leo have sent you an email concerning the pair of skirts and the pair of front wings just to clarify the four pieces by the way Kind Regards Steve
  3. Side vents of Zender Cup kit

    Evening Gents just about to sell my Original Zender wings and skirts in Rosso Red if your interested let me know.
  4. First part of mould ready to go

    From the album Rear Diffuser

  5. Reworking of pattern

    From the album Rear Diffuser

  6. Reworking of pattern

    From the album Rear Diffuser

  7. Beautiful 916s around the World !

    Is mine worthy of this thread ?

    From the album Steve's Spider

  9. Steve's Spider

    Incy Wincy
  10. image

    From the album Steve's Spider

  11. image

    From the album Steve's Spider

  12. image

    From the album Steve's Spider

  13. image

    From the album Steve's Spider

Welcome to Squadra916

Squadra916 is the largest international community for owners and fans of Alfa Romeo GTV and Spider 916 cars.