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By superrcafone
Hello evribody,
As one know it all, Spaitalia is cancelled this year.
I am going to try to organize a day on the circuit of mettet.
I contacted people of the circuit who said to me that there is only a date of 14/07 in weekend.
I also contacted several clubs for their to subject the idea and they are positive.
As well as a club of ferrari which looked for an alternative has spa.
It would be necessary to plan a 60€ budget by cars if we arrive has 160 participants.
Call back you whom has spa it cost more than 100€ to be able to run 1 hour.
t would cross 8 series of runs of 1 hour (only 20 cars in the same times on the track)
If you are interested contact me.
I inform you of the continuation(suite)
for more information about the circuit of mettet
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